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Summer Reading 2023 Flyer (Instagram Post (Square)).png


  1. 單擊此處註冊您自己或您的家人,或為您的移動設備下載免費的Beanstack Tracker應用程序

  2. 通過記錄您閱讀,完成活動和撰寫書評所花費的時間來賺取抽獎券。

  3. 在夏季結束時,將為兒童,青少年和成人抽獎!

How to participate:

  1. Collect your game board at the Turner Free Library! Add your name and contact information to the "reader info" section.

  2. Fill in the "reading goal" squares with whatever your reading goals are (i.e. minutes spent reading, number of pages, etc); the choice is yours!

  3. Circle each prompt as you complete it and move on to the next square; don't forget to visit the library to collect your prizes!

  4. Reached the finish line? Congrats! Turn in your game board at the Turner Free Library to be entered to win even more prizes! All completed game boards must be received by August 12th.

  5. Want more? You're our kind of reader! Pick up a new game board at the library and start again!

Upcoming events:

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